BELARUS COINS (1996-2003)
1 Rouble 1996 km#6 - United Nations 50 Years
1 Rouble 1996 km#7 - Olympics: Gymnast on the Rings
1 Rouble 1996 km#8 - Olympics: Rhythmic Gymnast
1 Rouble 1997 km#9 - Third Anniversary of Independence
1 Rouble 1997 km#34 - Olympics: Biathlon Skier with Rifle
1 Rouble 1997 km#36 - Olympics: Two Hockey Players
20 Roubles 1997 km#11 - Russia-Belarus State Treaty: Moscow and Minsk City
Views with National Emblems
1 Rouble 1998 km#18 - Architecture of Belarus: Castle at Mir
1 Rouble 1998 km#19 - Cities of Belarus: Walled City of Polotsk with City Arms
1 Rouble 1998 km#20 - 200th Anniversary of Birth of Adam Mitskevich
- Poet
1 Rouble 1998 km#21 - Olympics: Hurdlers, Olympic Crest
1 Rouble 1999 km#22 - Cities of Belarus: Minsk with City Arms
1 Rouble 1999 km#23 - 100th Birthday of Birth of Mihas' Lynkov -
1 Rouble 1999 km#40 - 100th Birthday of Birth of T.Glebov - Theatre
1 Rouble 1999 km#65 - Architecture of Belarus: Borisoglebsk Church in Grodno
1 Rouble 1999 km#41 - 2000th
Years of Christianity: Bethlehem View (Orthodox)
1 Rouble 1999 km#63 - 2000th Years of Christianity: Three Churches
1 Rouble 2000 km#108 - Cities of Belarus:
Vitebsk with City Arms
1 Rouble 2000 km#48 - Architecture of Belarus: Synkovichi Church
1 Rouble 2001 km#110 - Efrosinia Polotskaya
1 Rouble 2001 km#47 - Natural Reserves: Belovezhskaya Pushcha Reserve - Bison
1 Rouble 2001 km#112 - Architecture of Belarus: Kamenets Tower
1 Rouble 2001 km#50 - Olympic Games 2002 - Freestyle
20 Roubles 2001 km#111 - Euphrasinta of Polatsk, gold cross
20 Roubles 2001 km#46 - Natural Reserves: Belovezhskaya Pushcha Reserve -
Bison (Zubr)
20 Roubles 2001 km#49 - 2002 Winter Olympics - Biathlon
20 Roubles 2001 km#51 - 2002 Winter Olympics - Freestyle
1 Rouble 2002 km#118 - 120th Anniversary of Birth of Jacob Kolas -
1 Rouble 2002 km#116 - 120th Annoversary of Birth of Janka Kupala -
1 Rouble 2002 km#114 - Ignat Domeyko - Scientist
1 Rouble 2002 km#44 - Natural Reserves: Berezinski Biosphere Reserve - Beaver
1 Rouble 2002 km#69 - 80th Anniversary of the Savings Bank
20 Roubles 2002 km#45 - Natural Reserves: Berezinski Biosphere Reserve - Beaver
20 Roubles 2002 km#115 - Ignat Domeyko - Scientist
1 Rouble 2003 km#54 - Natural
Reserves: Narochanski Reserve - Mute Swan
1 Rouble 2003 km#55 - Proof-Like - Braslav Lakes National Park - Herring Gull
Rouble 2003 km#56 - Proof-Like - The Church of the Savior and
Transfiguration in Polotsk
1 Rouble 2003 km#61 - Olympics: Free-style wrestling
20 Roubles 2003 km#53 - Natural
Reserves: Narochanski Reserve - Mute Swan
20 Roubles 2003 km#57 - Proof-Like - The Church of the Savior and
Transfiguration in Polotsk
20 Roubles 2003 km#149 - Olympic Games 2006 - Shotput
1 Rouble 2004 km#60 - Two Common Cranes
1 Rouble 2004 km#62 - Sculling
1 Rouble 2004 km#75 - Kupalle
1 Rouble 2004 km#76 - Kalyady
1 Rouble 2004 km#78 - Radziwill's Castle in Neswizh
1 Rouble 2004 km#80 - Defenders of Brest
1 Rouble 2004 km#83 - Memory of Facist Victims
1 Rouble 2004 km#85 - Soviet Warriors - Liberators
1 Rouble 2004 km#new - Belarusian Partisans
1 Rouble 2004 km#new - Cities of Belarus: Mogilev with City Arms
20 Roubles 2004 km#73 - Two Common Cranes
20 Roubles 2004 km#72 - Defenders of Brest
20 Roubles 2004 km#74 - Kupalle
20 Roubles 2004 km#77 - Kalyady
20 Roubles 2004 km#79 - Radziwill's Castle in Neswizh
20 Roubles 2004 km#84 - Memory of Facist Victims
20 Roubles 2004 km#86 - Soviet Warriors - Liberators
20 Roubles 2004 km#new - Belarusian Partisans
20 Roubles 2004 km#new - Cities of Belarus: Mogilev with City Arms
20 Roubles 2004 km#91 - Trade Union Movement Centennial
20 Roubles 2004 km#124 - Sculling
1 Rouble 2005 km#81 - 60th Anniversary of Victory
1 Rouble 2005 km#130 - Jesnit Roman Catholic Church
1 Rouble 2006 km#135 - Viaselle Wedding
1 Rouble 2006 km#138 - Sophia of Galshany 600th Anniversary
1 Rouble 2006 km#140 - Syomukha
1 Rouble 2006 km#new - The Struve Geodetic arc
1 Rouble 2006 km#new - Olympics: Cycling
1 Rouble 2006km#new - Republican Alpine Skiing Center Silichy
1 Rouble 2006 km#new - Rogvolod of Polotsk and Rogneda
1 Rouble 2006 km#new - The Commonwealth of Independent States. 15 years
1 Rouble 2006 km#new - Cities of Belarus: Gomel with City Arms
20 Roubles 2006 km#137 - The 12 Months
20 Roubles 2006 km#136 - Viaselle Wedding
20 Roubles 2006 km#139 - Sophia of Galshany 600th Anniversary
20 Roubles 2006 km#141 - Syomukha
20 Roubles 2006 km#147 - Chyrvony Bor
20 Roubles 2006 km#new - The Commonwealth of Independent States. 15 years
20 Roubles 2006 km#new - Cities of Belarus: Gomel with City Arms
20 Roubles 2006 km#new - 2008 Olympic Games. Track–and–Field Athletics
50 Roubles 2006 km#142 - Peregrine falcon with inset diamond eye
1 Rouble 2007 km#150 - Maslenica
1 Rouble 2007 km#new - Napoleon Orda. 200 years
1 Rouble 2007 km#new - Belarus–China. 15 Years of Diplomatic Relations\
20 Rouble 2007 km#new - Maslenica
20 Rouble 2007 km#new - Napoleon Orda. 200 years
1 Rouble 2008 km#new - Capitals of EurAsEC Countries - Minsk
1 Rouble 2009 km#new - Signs of the Zodiac - Pisces
Last update: 11 June 2009